Monday, May 25, 2020

Anthem Conflict Essay - 705 Words

There has always been a slight anxiety, a slight fear, of being alone or standing alone. Students rarely want to admit to having an answer different from the rest of their classmates; some people do not want to go somewhere and do something by themselves. Notably, with more shy or anxious people, they will often stick around someone they know, so they will not be alone in the crowd. Although that company might help them make it through those nerve-wracking moments, when is the right time for them to walk alone? Should a person ever walk alone? In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, Equality’s internal conflict of conformity versus individuality plays a role that Equality needs to overcome in order to complete their quest for freedom which helps create†¦show more content†¦The outcast archetype that Equality is portrayed with is partially created by their internal conflict throughout the novel. After admitting to their crime of going against conformity and being an individ ual in thought to the World Council of Scholars, Equality runs away and ends up in the Uncharted Forest, more or less banished from their society. They are looked at with disdain by the scholars for their attempt of individuality in a society surrounded in conformity. Rand writes the following on page 72: â€Å"How dare you, gutter cleaner, hold yourself as one alone and with the thoughts of the one and not of the many?† (Rand). By sharing the thoughts that they had alone, Equality became an outcast in their community. Even if Equality had chosen conforming over being independent, there still would have been a different form of price paid for their decision. However, if they had decided to submit to their culture’s practice, then they would not have achieved their quest, and the powerful ending of Anthem might not have been as compelling. The internal conflict’s role in the story comes to a strong closing with its impactful one-word ending. Anthem closes with one final word: ego, which can be defined as â€Å"self-image† or â€Å"self-importance†, according to It is portrayed as an important word, as Rand writes at the end of the novel, â€Å"The word which can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory. TheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Richard IIi And Anthem1326 Words   |  6 Pages those books and films will present the conflict between the individuals and the groups. The appearance of the conflict between the individuals and the groups is on the background of times and is the requirement of certain history period. Without this conflict, stories would be tedious and boring. As a consequence, the essay pays attention to the notions of the individuals and the groups by comparing two novels – Richard III and Anthem. 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